Teen Shiver Tabs

September 27, 2011

Book Birthdays Today!

Today is release day for three of our Team Shiver members!

Rachel Vincent's If I Die, which I've heard many readers say they will die if they don't get their hands on it as soon as possible. Congratulations, Rachel!

Jordan Dane's adult thriller, Reckoning For The Dead, #4 in her Sweet Justice series. Happy Book Birthday, Jordan!

Trinity Faegen's (me!) The Mephisto Covenant, which is my YA debut.

We're all excited to bring you books we hope you enjoy, and every release day, no matter how many an author has already experienced, is a time for happy celebration. We're looking forward to more as the months go by, so stick around and see who's next!

In the meantime, your bookshelf called, and it wants these three books. I wouldn't make your bookshelf mad. Just sayin'.


  1. Ah, Trinity. How sweet of you to share your YA release post with my adult thriller book. What a sweetie!

    Wishing you & Rachel the BEST!

  2. Congrats on all of your releases! Can't wait to read them all!

  3. Happy book birthdays, ladies! And I hopped over to look at the covers on Amazon. Gorgeous all! Can't wait to add these to my shelves. :)

  4. YAYAYY!!!! Also, both Rachels had their anthology Enthralled come out! :)
